Felix Gin
A tribute to Felix Sohie,
the founding father of grape cultivation in greenhouses
Buy me nowthe founding father of grape cultivation in greenhouses
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Delicious Belgian Grapes
Welcome to Felix Drinks, your source for high-quality spirits made from raw materials entirely derived from the Druivenstreek.
Our flagship product, Felix Gin, is named after Felix Sohie, the founder of grape cultivation under glass. We also provide an array of other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks sure to please every palate.
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What Our Customers Say
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Jennifer Lewis
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Alicia Heart
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Juan Carlos